
  • Heart-top Ear Stud
  • Heart-top Ear Stud
  • Heart-top Ear Stud
Heart-top Ear Stud Heart-top Ear Stud Heart-top Ear Stud

Heart-top Ear Stud

    Model No.: FT-ST-ER035

    Material: Surgical Steel

    Color: gold

    Size: 18x9 mm


Most piercing earrings are pre-sterilized and packaged in a special cartridge designed to be loaded into a piercing instrument for the piercing process. No matter helix, tragus, conch or other places, Funtay supplies stylish earrings that can meet your requirement. Customization is supported. With star look, this earring stud is very chic to wear.

Heart-top Ear Stud(图1)

Contact Us

Contact: 开云(中国)Kaiyun·官方网站-登录入口

Phone: 86-15012558621

E-mail: info@funtay.com

Add: Building A, Xinqiao 3rd Industrial Park, Xinqiao Street, Shajing, Baoan, Shenzhen, China